Home » Shop » Acao Direta-Revolta / Repudio / Confronto / Resistência-LP (Vinyl)
Acao Direta  
Revolta / Repudio / Confronto / Resistência
1 x LP Vinyl
Germany - 2004 - 16 Tracks
Epistrophy EPI 036
LP plus 2-track bonus single, white label promo edition, both album and bonus single with white labels with "Only For Promotion"-print, plain white inner sleeve with "Musterschallplatte" print as covers
no picture cover!


Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
Delivery Time: sofort lieferbar


Weight 300 g
SKU: 147068 Category:
Angaben laut Produktsicherheitsverordnung:
Produkt wurde vor dem 13.12.2024 in der EU in den Verkehr gebracht.
# Title
A1 Ruptura
A2 Pesadelo
A3 Crueldade
A4 Brasil 500
A5 Cidadão Moderno
A6 Fator Crucial
A7 Rules Of Tragedy
B1 Dias De Luta
B2 Sem Palavras
B3 Corpo Fechado
B4 Némesis
B5 Convictions
B6 Mcmlxxi
B7 Irreversível
C Breed To Breathe
D Crocodila