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Altar Sermon
1 x 12" Vinyl 14,90 
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand

Regular edition with lyrics insert. Does not include the CD-R that came with orders from Mansion’s Bandcamp page. Limited to 500 copies.

Recorded and mixed 2015
Mastered 2015

Copyright 2015 Svart Records

Mission Of Burma

The Sound The Speed The Light
1 x LP Vinyl 34,90 
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand

Recorded at Squid Hell, Jamaica Plain.
Overdubs at Analog Divide, Allston.
Mixing at Q Division, Somerville.
Mastered at Sterling Sound, New York.

Management: Fenway Recordings, Cambridge.
Booking: High Road Touring, Sausalito.

Thanks to Gerard, Chris & Patrick at Matador, Robert Moses, Richard Baluyut, Patricia Matthews, Mike Feeney, Dikie Spears, Rafi Sofer, Ed Valauskas, Zachary Lazar, 123 Party!, Tim Shea and Black Helicopter.

Tracks A1, A6, B3: Lambent Music, B.M.I.
Tracks A3, B1, B4: Blown Stack Music, B.M.I.
Tracks A2, A4, A5, B2, B5, B6: Fun World Music, B.M.I.
Track B3: Mythco Music, B.M.I.

©℗ 2009 Matador Records.

Includes a MP3 download coupon.


Brush 1
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

Carbonbürste Analogis Brush 1 – Bürste Karbon

Puck für Singles
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

halbrund aus vergoldetem Edelstahl

Puck für Singles
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

halbrund aus verchromtem Edelstahl

Puck für Singles
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

konisch aus vergoldetem Edelstahl

Puck für Singles
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

konisch aus verchromtem Edelstahl

Stasis Plattenbürste
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

synthetische Bürste zur Nass- oder Trockennutzung, z.B. für Plattenwaschmaschinen


1 x Sonstiges 3,00 
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand

The Powder Monkeys

Persecution Blues
1 x 10" Vinyl 24,90 
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand

Release date given as 1995 on back cover, 1996 on label.

Track A1 engineered at ABC Southbank Studios, Melbourne.
Tracks A2, A3 recorded live at ABC Studio 335.
Tracks B1, B2 recorded at Recordio Studios, Elwood (from the album ‚[m=463118]‘).
Track B3 is a cover of the [a73921] song ‚I Thank You‘, which was recorded at [l130787].

Also available ‚[r=3727451]‘ (DOG052CD), ‚[r=4662790]‘ (Dog067CD) on [l34271].