The Good Will Out2 x LP Vinyl 34,90 €
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
Regular LP jacket with printed inner sleeves.
Track durations are not shown on the release.
Catalogue numbers:
HUTDLP46 and 07243 846015 1 5 on the spine
HUTDLP 46 and 7243 846015 1 5 on the sleeve
Sleeve: Printed In The EU
Labels: Made In The EU
℗ & © 1998 Virgin Records Ltd.
Emily Jane White
Alluvion1 x LP Vinyl 25,90 €
Enthält 19% USt.
zzgl. Versand
limited edition on white vinyl
Emma Gatrill
Cocoon1 x LP Vinyl 29,90 €
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
signed by Emma Gatrill, includes printed inner sleeve
Endless Boogie
Twenty Minute Jam Getting Out Of The City1 x LP Vinyl 89,90 €
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
Basement Recordings, Stanton St., late 1990s/2000s
Standard edition of 400 copies in silk-screened jacket with insert.
Deluxe artist edition of 100 copies, each in a sleeve painted by Spencer Sweeney was also released and sold at an art opening 12/6/12 at Boo-Hooray gallery in New York. [r5883104]
Enid Fleurette Et Poussière
Participer A Une Observation1 x 7" Single (Vinyl) 5,90 €
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
limited numbered edition of 206 copies, includes booklet