A.R. & Machines
Echo2 x LP Vinyl 379,90 €
Enthält 0% USt. (kein USt-Ausweis gem. §25a UStG)
zzgl. Versand
This is the first pressing that misspells the side A title on labels as „Einleitung“, and the lower text ring runs from the left side to the right side, ending in „Deutsche Grammophon“. A subsequent pressing changes the spelling to the correct „Einladung“, and text ring reads from right to left, with a smaller pressing ring: [r1091042]
Issued in a gatefold cover.
Artist credit on labels: A. R. & Machines
Labels only display the German titles.
Printed in Germany by Gerhard Kaiser GmbH, Essen [on rear cover]
Made in Germany [on labels]